Weekly Roundup

Masturbation Monday: Week 166 Roundup

Welcome back to the Masturbation Monday weekly roundup. Today is a lazy day for me so what better then to sit back and read some hot erotic stories by some great writers. Amiright? It’s days like this that I have to admit I have a wonderful life.

The Punishment by Asrai Devin

You do the crime, you do the time. If you’re doing something you shouldn’t have been and you get caught, there will be a punishment as Asrai Devin makes so clear in Caught Part 2: The Punishment. Ahhh, the inevitability of it all. What makes it even sweeter is the anticipation of what is to come, not knowing what form it will come in. That slow drawn out wait that leaves them wondering. Most of all half the fun of giving a punishment is the ability to be creative with it such as in this erotic tale.

Brad nods solemnly. “First, you need to study for an hour, little miss. I won’t allow distraction from your studies.”
I nod and get off the bed. He wraps me in a robe he bought for me when I sleep over.
I lumber out to the kitchen and sit at the table again. I open my books and my laptop, and focus on studying, trying not to wonder what he’s doing. The shower goes on and off that takes about ten minutes of the hour. I don’t know how he showers so fast. Keep reading.

A Room With a View by Nina B

I am a voyeur, I admit it. I love to watch almost as much as I love to participate. A Room With a View by Nina B, an erotic short, is right up my alley. It packed so much into a few words. I could envision myself being the one watching, drinking in the scene set out before me by pure chance.

He could only see her legs as they dangled off the side of the bed. So didn’t know she was smiling. Couldn’t see the quick shift of her fingers between her thighs. Keep reading.

Live Action Mannequin by Mischa Eliot

I enjoyed Live Action Mannequin by Mischa Eliot for the hot erotic sexiness but it was also fun and because it was really well written. I could empathize and feel what each character was going through in each moment. Being inside of Beets mind with her internal ramblings, angst, erotic thoughts, and humorous moments made this story a joy to read.

“I’ve taken some oddball jobs, Ronnie, but this one… well, this one takes the cake. I’ve scored you a couple of tickets, so it would mean a lot to me if you’d show. Please? I’ll lick your pussy until I can’t feel my tongue anymore…” Hoping the sing-song voice and the begging, and the promise of some serious oral sex, would get my girlfriend out of the apartment for a night filled me with dread. We’d both been struggling lately, both in work and in our personal sex life. Nothing seem to entice us. We were in the mother of all ruts without any of the rutting. Keep reading.

Thank you to all the wonderful authors for their efforts and contributing to Masturbation Monday.

A special thanks to Krystal Minx for being our amazing prompt this week!



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